There is something about this pocket Spanish-English dictionary: both kids will take it and "read" it for hours at a time, telling made up stories, proud they are "reading."
December 11th
So excited to collect things for the needy, you both raided your toy box, clothing drawers, and the pantry. Nothing was "too good". I'm proud of you!
December 12th "Mama's boy"
First visit to the dentist. You were tense, nervous, maybe a bit scared, but I was probably worse. I've always been like that with you - maybe because you were my first born, but I had a hard time sitting there watching the dentist work on you (we waited too long - two cavities!). A couple times tears came to my eyes and I felt like I was being a bad mother to make you sit there scared, but later you informed me that it didn't hurt, it was just "gross". I was relieved. I hope the next time it will be easier...on ME!
December 13th
This year at school Agustin was padrino for a 4-yr-old from La Bota neighborhood. Isaac Campos. Agustin decided to make him a Christmas card ( a very original, cute one!) and Nico had to get in on the action!
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