Friday, July 21, 2006

You know you're obsessed with books when...

1. the first thing your eyes are drawn to in magazines are the books on shelves and tables
2. you get a small magnifying glass out to read the titles of those books in the magazine photos
3. you feel like you lost your best friend when the local English bookstore closes for the summer
4. you browse the virtual bookshelves of other Library Thing subscribers
5. you secretly buy books instead of running an errand and hide them in the corner of a room of your house to later pull out and put on the bookshelf so that no one really notices them, especially since you haven't yet read the last one you bought (saving it for a special occasion)
6. you hoard books like candy, saving them for this unforeseen "special occasion"
7. you sometimes pull books down off your shelf and just run your hand over the cover, leaf through the pages looking at random sentences, and imagine what's inside
8. you do the above in bookstores, also, occasionally generating looks of bewilderment
9. you experience a rush of exhiliration every time you purchase a book
10. you get onto various times a day to see if your recommendations have been refreshed
11. you get REALLY excited when someone reads a book you recommended them
12. you go home to visit family and friends, traveling almost 4000 miles, and then spend the majority of your time in the library
13. your husband doesn't want to even hear the word book
14. the only thing that can quiet your two-year-old boy down is getting out a book (usually about cars or trains) and reading together (he doesn't let me read to him - we just sit next to each other and read our own books simultaneously!)
15. you write a blog entry about this addiction!


Anonymous said...

I hope number 5 of the list was only a false statement made just to prove a point. It is only ok. when you secretly buy chocolate (even though you are on the South Beach Diet)instead of runing some errands. In other words it is only ok to be a chocaholic not a bookaholic.

Kari said...

andres - I am sure there are many chocaholics who'd agree!

Amy Elizabeth said...

How about those of us that are obsessed with buying clothes. Hanging them in your closet just to know that they are there. Be excited to get dressed for work knowing that you will de-tag the next item.
Kinda sick!

Kari said...

amy - once I get my perfect body I will be doing the same... :)