Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Grandpa Dan Show

I was afraid I was going to miss it - that I'd blank out a few minutes before 8 and turn off the computer or something. But I didn't. We even had Papa John's tonight so we wouldn't get bogged down in dishes and miss the 8 pm show.

So, after much anticipation, a lot of nervousness and curiosity, we finally got to see The Grandpa Dan Show! The kids LOVED it, and what a nice surprise when everyone came out at the end. (It explained all the hands we kept seeing, especially in the opening act where Tin was like, "How many hands has Grandpa Dan got?")

We had a great time and the kids are already searching for their socks and puppets they can bring to the next show.

I think you missed your calling, Grandpa Dan!


Amy Elizabeth said...

What a nice show and great surprise! Hailey was a little freaked out at first and ended up falling asleep during the show.
Hopefully Hannah can keep her comments to a minimum next week to keep the show on time :-)

Jennie said...

Hannah's comments were the best though!!! lol