Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Graduation Day 2011

Well, school is finally getting out here in the Southern hemisphere Andes. One thing I've noticed is that since many students go to private schools, and parents pay tuition on a monthly basis, parents want to "get their money's worth", so school never finishes in the middle of the month, like most places. Nope, the schools want to charge the parents for June as well, so the poor kids have to suffer through 10 months of classes and get only 2 months of summer vacation.

Nico graduated from pre-school today. Next year he'll be going to Paulo Freire with his big brother. We will miss Freedom, but not the homework. I feel like I'M going on vacation! Woohoo - no more homework!!!!

I guess it's fun for kids to have a little graduation ceremony, but sometimes I wonder - seriously? Now there is a ceremony for every grade. Agustin's is on Friday. Graduating from 2nd grade. Hmmmm. One more obligation for the parents, as well (and another day we have to ask for permission from work...)

OK, I'll stop complaining now, just because my kids look so cute posing with their diplomas...


Amy Elizabeth said...

It is cute and nice that they celebrate the accomplishment but at the same time, really?!

Jennie said...

agreed--but like you said, loook how cuuuute :-)