Thursday, February 01, 2007

Can it be true?

I think we've done it - I think we conquered potty training. I can't claim victory yet - at night we are still in diapers. But during the day, we are accident free. I am soooooo psyched. I feel like this is bigger for me than it is for that cute little three-year-old. And it happened just like the books say. When he was ready. He was ready, and ta-da. There has been no going back.

Going now to do a little happy-dance.


Anonymous said...

Yay Tin!!!! I miss you guys!!! -Aunt Jennie

Kari said...

Jennie -
Isn't it great? And last night he went the whole night without a diaper. Whew! Looks like we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I was having dreams that his wife was going to have to rty and potty-train him!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm happy it's finally working out for everybody. Keep up the good work! :)

Kari said...

I said it and then yesterday we had two little accidents. Oops! He just said that the pee came out too fast and he couldn't make it to the bathroom. Oh well. I'm just happy that I know it CAN be done! :)

Amy Elizabeth said...

Great job TIN! I hope it had something to do with all the cute undies that he wants to keep dy (wishful thinking, I know).

Kari said...

amy elizabeth-
actually, he LOVES his undies. He chooses the ones he wants each day, and if we don't wash the Lightning McQueen or Superman ("with the face") ones quickly enough, he starts asking where they are... "¿Dónde...?" with the cutest little worry wrinkles, as if those undies are lost!