Friday, May 17, 2019

Week in the Life 2019 | Friday Words + Photos

And just like that, it's Friday. Welcoming Friday with open arms, since it is our first full week back and I'm feeling the tiredness.

Early morning wake up. Peluches all over the floor. It's a dark morning.

Pepito got in front of us. He's our neighbor and often leaves at the same time as us. When this happens, it's hard to go around him (and he drives r e a l l y slow), so we often have to put-put behind him. We don't want him to think we're trying to race him or anything!

Happy to be commuting this morning with Andres. I have some demo classes for some prospective teachers, so had to stay a bit later than usual. Andres still has a few more days of staying until 4:45 to make up for the May 1 holiday.

New shoes from Miami are making it obvious that I have some feet problems. They are really crooked. No wonder I can barely walk some days.

Andres asked me to take a picture of the knickknacks on his desk, from all his travels (and a few he got as gifts). As I snapped the picture, he decided to do an "artistic" pose.

Breakfast is the humble frosted shredded wheat this morning. It's so hard each night to get a meal on the table for the kids while at the same time prepping our lunch for the next day (most of the time leftovers but not always), and also prepping breakfast. It's often like cooking or making three meals at once. Exhausting. I'm not one of those people who thinks cooking is relaxing apparently. 

First demo class of the day. I haven't been in the classroom much since TEFL, and I usually enjoy watching teachers. Today I was a bit preoccupied, however. Too many changes and too much stress at work. Trying not to worry all the time (it'll probably work out, like it always does), but also don't want to be blindsided by some major change or upheaval. Still taking it one day at a time.

Found this picture from last night on my phone. Funny boy.

Last night there were not enough leftovers for two meals, so Andrés took me out to "Hay Pan". It's about a 30-minute walk (some uphill) from work, but we took the car. It still took about 15 minutes to get there with traffic.

I had the cazuela de pescado, which came with rice and peanuts. It was so good, very similar in taste to the one my mother-in-law makes. I ate it all and it was VERY filling.

A glass of wine and a Coke Zero to go with it. Great view from this restaurant and just a nice place overall.

Came back for the second demo class. This one was so much more entertaining. 

Getting ready to take off. My desk is full of papers and books that I need to put away or file somewhere.

Came home and Andrés put the kids to work on supper. Agus helped make the "refrito" (tomato, onion, green pepper, cilantro and some water blended up). Agus also peeled the potatoes and, in his own words, "almost cut his finger off".

New shoes for a quick treadmill walk after supper. Need to get back into the habit but my feet protested the whole time. These shoes made my arches and soles of my feet burn and ache. I barely made it through the 30-minute walk.

Andrés hanging out with Agus in Agus's favorite spot before bed.

A little TV as I work up my "nerve" to get on the treadmill.

And I did it! Not quite a mile - I plan to up it to at least one mile a day. That sounds so unambitious but I need to start somewhere...

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