Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Week in the Life 2019 | Monday Words + Photos

Oh Monday. Week in the Life starts today and I almost forgot because of my sheer exhaustion. We were delayed getting out of Miami because there had been some afternoon storms that shut down the airport for a while (ALL the flights were delayed and quite a few cancelled), so we didn't actually get home until after 4 a.m. I can't usually sleep on the airplane, so I was quite exhausted. Andrés had to get up early (5:30) for work, but I was lucky and got to sleep in (Shushú took the kids to school).

I got up at 9:30 and a shower felt pretty good. 

Got ready. Already thinking about all the things I need to get done this week.

Andres's parents left us some bread and cheese for breakfast. 

Decided to grab some coffee for the car and eat breakfast as I drove to work. It was a good decision because the traffic was quite heavy and slow and it took me an hour and fifteen minutes to get there. (I couldn't leave until 9:30 because I had pico y placa).

My upcoming calendar - not too full but a bit of freelance in the middle of the week. It's times like these when things are so chaotic and up-in-the-air at work that I am thankful for some freelance.

On my way to work.

Catching up on emails and some news (the royal baby was born) as I ease my way into this relatively quiet Monday (although there seems to be a storm brewing...).

Not this type of storm. The weather is pretty typical for this time of the year, perhaps a bit warmer than usual, but there isn't much variety from day to day.

We didn't have anything made for lunch of course so we headed over to the Chinese place near work. It wasn't very crowded. The price is right for days when we haven't got anything planned. 

I like the vegetable noodle dish. Lots of veggies - I made sure to eat them before the noodles this time so I wouldn't fill up on carbs. Ate most of it anyway - must have been quite hungry!

A quick class observation before I have to head out. Must be off the city streets by 4 pm!

Love picking these guys up. We sat downstairs on the couch a bit to chat with Boy and Shushú, then hopped in the car for the one-block ride home that would finish my commute.

This is what the house looks like with all the bags in the dining room. Eventually the kids helped me bring them upstairs. Nico didn't have to be asked twice (mostly because he wanted to "get it over with").

Agus was pretty excited to check out his new game controller (or as excited as he seems to get lately - he is a pretty stoic person). There was a little trial after the unboxing, and a lot of commentary throughout the afternoon about what was good/bad and what worked or didn't. At the end of the night he said he was "really happy".

Andrés didn't get home until 5:30pm (he's having to make up an hour a day for eight days because of the mandatory May 1st "holiday"). We made our way upstairs to watch him unpack and "reveal" all the goodies and treats we had bought in Florida. The kids were a bit impatient. (Suddenly Agus had a "bunch" of homework.)

Nico checking out the Sour Patch Kids cereal we got. (I had texted them a picture and heard back that they wanted it.) It claims to start sour, then go sweet.

After a fish dinner I did some laundry and we got things ready for tomorrow. Around 10 the boys and I watched "A Closer Look" (they LOVE it when Seth Meyers makes fun of Trump) and then it was peluche talk and prayers (Nico trying out his new memory foam, cooling pillow).

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