Saturday, January 02, 2010

"This is how Mommy reads"

"This is how Mommy reads."

Nicolas has started taking the books off of my new bookshelf and "reading" them. I guess he watches my love of books, and has begun to understand the pleasure of paging through them and just feeling the pages under his fingers. He will caress the words on the page and tell me what they say (always nonsense words), and then go get a new one off the shelf. So fun to see him enjoying the act of reading. Also fun to realize how the second child, after watching the first, picks up the idea of words a lot faster than the first one. Agustin never quite grasped the idea of words on the page until he went to school, but Nico already has the idea down pat.

I love it when he tells me, "Agustin should read, too, instead of watching TV."

Then he says, "I like reading. More than watching TV."

And adds, as an afterthought, "But I like watching TV a little too." (Just in case I decide to make him read instead!)

Smart kid - the same one who tells us he will save his chicken for dessert because it's his favorite part (then he starts with his dessert!).

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