Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Breakfast Outside

For the last week or so, Agustín has been getting nauseous every morning, especially if he smells breakfast, like pancakes or eggs or even bacon! Daddy taught him a little trick, to try to avoid the inevitable vomiting we have not seen for a long time: Go outside and get some fresh air, walk around, breathe deeply. So far it has worked - there have been no accidents, and this is important not only because we don't want to clean it up or have to change uniforms at the last minute, but also because once he starts the whole vomiting routine, he takes it to the next level, and we see a lot of it for quite some time.

This week he has spent every morning outside, trying to control his nausea. He still gets hungry, though, so we bring him his breakfast. Now Nico has joined the action. It is cold mountain air out there at 6 a.m., believe me, but neither of them seems to mind.


Amy Elizabeth said...

Is he pregnant?! That makes me giggle that he has morning sickness but makes me want to cry at the same time because that is NOT something that my little dude should have to deal with.

Good thinking Andresie!

Jennie said...

yes, i agree--poor kid. Was he prescribed pain killers for his oral surgery? That is the only thing I can come up with...??