Monday, November 15, 2010

iPod Junkie

This has become a familiar sight in our house.

Both kids love my iPod, but Nicolás is developing a serious dependency on it. Every day, the first thing he says when he sees me is, "Mommy, can I play on your iPod?"

(Another thing he says when I ask for a good morning or kiss first, is, "When I see you, I think of the iPod." Ummm....)

If I say yes, he gets excited and then goes into iPod mode. Worse than TV mode, iPod mode means you cannot get his attention for anything, save taking the iPod away.

Which results in a screaming/crying fit, which, in turn, results in my saying no more often than not. When turns into a screaming/crying fit, and so on.

He loves the Monster Truck and Shrek cart apps.

Agustín also enjoys the iPod but isn't nearly as obsessed with it.

1 comment:

Amy Elizabeth said...

could be worse....