Wednesday, December 08, 2010


It is still so strange for me to think that Agustín's reading. He is doing a great job in Spanish, but sometimes he surprises me and reads in English just as well. I love the fact that he can pick something up and read what it is about. Or that he can read the signs on the road, or at the store, and know what's going on. It is a huge step in independence, something that I think most of us take for granted.

Watching him decipher what things say has reminded me of how I felt at that age, realizing that there was an entire world out there in words. It has reminded me of my favorite books when I was just a little bigger than him: The Littles, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Harriet the Spy, The Boxcar Children. He is reading a book in school called Un Día Más, short stories about animals that are in danger of extinction (the animals are characters in their own adventures), and although he doesn't like having to read it for homework, I think he enjoys the stories, and being able to sit down and read it himself. We are also currently rereading the Captain Underpants series that Grandma Chris gave us this summer, and he notices if I miss any parts.

I don't know if he will become a reader, and I don't want to push it too much, but just watching him read makes me feel so happy and proud. Yet sad. He is growing up way too fast!

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