Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Newest Addition

We have a new addition to the decorations this year. I wanted to get something special for the kids, something like the cool (yet corny) Christmas decorations I remember from my childhood, something that in 20-30 years my kids will want for their kids. I found this cheesy snowman that sings "Let it Snow!" at a Christmas shop. He moves back and forth while he sings, and then the marshmallows come up out of the hot chocolate for the chorus.

He lasted 14 hours. Now he doesn't move, but the marshmallows do.

According to Nico, Agustín broke him. But I wonder. This thing was probably cheap in the U.S. Here, it was still cheaply made, but expensive. They just don't make things like they used to, and maybe he wasn't made for lasting more than one Christmas...

I am going to try new batteries and hopefully that will work. Otherwise, we will just enjoy the marshmallow chorus.


Amy Elizabeth said...

Such a good effort and now made me feel that instead of sitting here on the computer right now I should be out scouring the stores for the item that my kids are going to want to take from our Christmas stash when they move out.

Hmmmmm, now what will it be?

Kari said...

I think it will be that Christmas house from OUR childhood - doncha think? Plus, I think it will last longer than the things they are making these days!