Thursday, May 31, 2012

9:15 A.M. - 31 Things Day 15

Today is Thursday. It’s my 39th birthday.
I’m sitting at my desk working on the computer in our room. I’ve got the curtains open and my first cup of coffee is almost gone. I take it black & strong. 
I’m alone in the house and it is really quiet. The neighbor is banging on the wall next door as she vacuums and cleans. Otherwise there are no other noises. I love the peace but also wonder why I don’t play the radio more often, especially when I am alone. It’s a habit I want to get out of, and make a mental note to turn on MPR or something as soon as I finish with this writing.
There are too many tabs open on my computer, and every five minutes or so I go through them all. At the moment I’ve got Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest open, as well as my email (Yahoo) and a couple of memory keeping/design blogs (Ali Edwards and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer). The message board for this class is also open.
Today I’m working on typing up my Grandma Bauer’s book, Throwaway Children, the story of a rich man who gives his children away to a complete stranger. So amazing to hear my grandma’s voice throughout the story. It makes me smile as I hear her in the narration. This novel has only got 17 chapters so it should be easier to finish, but it is almost June now and I’m feeling really behind. I’m only on chapter 8. I want to have this typed out before we leave for MN on July 14th.
There are only a few more days left before we start another cycle, so I am trying to make the most of these last days of vacation. I think about the dishes downstairs that I haven’t gotten to yet and decide that I will do them when I go down in a minute to get another cup of coffee.
I’ve got my favorite shirt on and think about how I need to find more shirts like this - light, long-sleeved and comfortable enough to sit around in all day.
I can still smell Andrés’s cologne on my cheek from where he kissed me goodbye this morning. Euphoria for men by Calvin Klein.
Outside the sun is coming down through the trees and warming up a patch on our bed. There are three cars parked and one student driver practicing parallel parking. That’s really common to see at this time of the morning. I also see a lady walking her dog. I should probably try to get outside sometime today, too.
Then I think about texting my sister to make sure she’s getting her 9:15 moment. I get up and text her and then sit down to finish this up.

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