Monday, May 21, 2012

Conversation - 31 Things

I spend some time every day on email and a little on texting my sisters, but the person I converse with most is probably Andrés. We have always had intense conversations. We aren’t a couple that sits in long silences. Days start with complicated instructions for the day’s activities (pico y placa, the “day off” each car has to take due to a city mandate, has made these conversations extremely complicated as we try to organize our day) and end with the same for the next day, but in between we have had conversations about work, politics, family, the kids, something we saw on the Internet. It helps that we work together.
At lunchtime conversation is with my mother-in-law. Many of the same topics are covered: the next day’s schedule (she is our main caregiver), family, kids, politics, something she saw on her outings that day.
Conversations with the boys consist of a lot of robot and superhero talk (Avengers is a favorite right now). Agustín loves to tell me intricate details of the movies Uncle Bati has told him about. Nicolás likes to talk about something his friends did at school, or about learning. At the moment he is fascinated with addition and multiplication. Lots of “what’s 10 x 10, what’s 50 x 50?” questions. Both boys pepper most of their conversations with explosion noises. 
The car is a place where many of our most interesting conversations take place. Today the question on the ride home from school was, “Does the Devil exist?” (A lot of these theological questions come up in the car for some reason.) There is no easy way to answer this in fifteen minutes, but both seem satisfied in the end, the topic dropped as soon as we park the car. 

Here is the 2-page spread:

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