Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ME - 31 Things

1. Age: 38 (turning 39 in nine days)
2. Favorite part of my day: 3 pm, when the kids get home from school. We almost never leave the house after this time. Homework starts. There may be some whining and arguing.  It’s the most stressful part of my day, but the family is together, the house full of noise, and this when I usually feel most content.
3. Loving: The anticipation of our summer trip to Minnesota and a long hiatus from work. Crochet and crochet blogs. Little love notes Nicolás writes me throughout the day (often to butter me up for some iPod or computer time). Cuddling with Agustín. The kids telling me the same jokes over and over again (“¿Cuál es el colmo de un pez? ¿Te digo, te digo? ¡Que se muera ahogado!”)
4. Longing for: A clean house (that I didn’t clean). Permission (from myself) to get rid of so many things. Sunny, warmer days. More creativity, inspiration, talent. Space and energy for a vegetable garden. Friends and sisters to be nearby.
5. Inspired by: The Internet - Images on Pinterest (visual bookmark social networking web site). Items for sale on Etsy (homemade/vintage online store). Art supplies and bright colors (neon accents!). Documenting the stories of our family. My bookshelf.
6. Dreaming of: Creating for a living. Opening an Etsy shop. Learning how to paint (abstract art). Buying a piano and playing again. Running every day. Living somewhere warm - perpetual summer rather than perpetual spring.
7. Needing: To eat more vegetables. To lose weight and start running again.  To read more poetry. To sing more.
8. Navigating: Different cultural expectations and realities and my reactions to them now that I have growing children.
9. Struggling with: Living more deliberately. Being more positive and upbeat. Being satisfied with what I have. Remembering to be grateful every day.
10. Knowing: That my kids are loved and Andrés and I are doing our very best every day. That we’ve given the boys many opportunities to learn and grow.

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