Thursday, June 03, 2010

Another tooth gone!

Agustin lost another tooth today. We were at lunch and he was eating a cookie when he spit out what was in his mouth and said, very disgustedly, "Mommy, what is this hard thing in here?" He is so picky sometimes about textures in his food, I was just like, "It's just a part of the cookie, don't worry!" Then he put it in my hand "to throw away" and I was like, "Agustin! That's a tooth! Did you have a tooth loose?" He's like, "No," then puts his hand in his mouth, sees a drop of blood on his finger, and freaks out. After we calmed him down, he was okay about it, though.

1 comment:

Amy Elizabeth said...

He looks like you here.
I am not even going to believe this kid this summer.
I am not ready for this. Not ready.
Where did my little Tin go??