Saturday, June 05, 2010

Pow! Bam! Boom!

I just love this kid. He completely entertains himself, for hours at a time. He gets into his own little world and gets so totally involved in the play. He does not need any fancy toys to have fun. Today he got into the utensils drawer and pretended to fight against the bad guys. He played both roles - good and bad.

What I love about this is how original and creative he is in his own mind. Last night we went out to eat and didn't bring any toys with us. While Nico sulked and whined about being "bored" as we waited to be served, Agustín just looked over at him, made his two fingers into a "V" and inverted them, to look like a little person. Then he says, "Nico, at school when I'm bored, I don't need a toy. I just use my fingers and pretend and have fun." Then he proceeded to have a (loud) battle between the fingers on his right hand and those on his left.

(I should say that, as a parent, I find this extremely intelligent and ingenious. As a teacher, however, I could see that this is probably just very annoying...)


Amy Elizabeth said...

He reminds me so much of KK and J.
Those girls were exactly that same way.
Mine, not so much. Play alone, nope. She would use that opportunity to talk.

Kari said...

you got the chris miller one. 'member how grandma always said mom would talk her ear off when she was little!? how cute!

Amy Elizabeth said...

Yes, Gma told me the other day that once she told mom that she needed to "Just shut up and stop talking" and mom responded back "But I feel better when I talk" ao Grandma never told her to stop again.

Obviously :-)