Friday, June 18, 2010

New glasses

Agustín got new glasses today. Andrés took him in this Monday and found out that yes, he needed them (his teacher had already warned us he was having trouble reading the board if the marker was red or green, so we were a bit prepared). Andrés let him choose the glasses himself, and this is what he chose. They are cute. I was in Guayaquil today and so had to view them on pictures sent to my phone. I can't wait to see him in person!!!!!


Jennie said...

This is adorable!! Are they just for reading/seeing the board at school? Or does he like to wear them in general? He's growing up so fast!!!! And hmm...he reminds me of somebody in this pic ;)

Kari said...

They are for reading the board, reading at school, watching TV, etc. His prescription isn't too bad, but he couldn't see the board well at school. We never realized anything at home - he was never squinting or complaining or anything.

Who does he look like here? I suppose both of us! :)

Amy Elizabeth said...

SO MUCH like Andresee in this picture. For the first time ever (besides that one baby pic of Andy) I looked at this and right away had to do a double take...

So cute! "He looks cool" says Hannah.

Amy Elizabeth said...

Wouldn't it be funny if now that he can see he doesn't think that 'toys' like strainers or ice cream scoops are cool anymore. Maybe now he will see that they are only strainers and ice cream scoops :-)

Kari said...

that WOULD be so funny! Like, him all thinking, what did i ever think was so special about THIS!?

Jennie said...

And yes--he looks just like Andres!! And yes, he looks cool :-)